• Image of SCD FOLKTALE Weekend NOV 3-4-5, 2023!
  • Image of SCD FOLKTALE Weekend NOV 3-4-5, 2023!
  • Image of SCD FOLKTALE Weekend NOV 3-4-5, 2023!
  • Image of SCD FOLKTALE Weekend NOV 3-4-5, 2023!
  • Image of SCD FOLKTALE Weekend NOV 3-4-5, 2023!

SCD Story Weekend: 2nd Annual Folktale Edition! Fri-Sat and Sun, NOV 3-4-5, 2023
Registration closes OCT 31ST at the stroke of midnight NOV 1.

A Visual & Written Storytelling Weekend Residency with special guests each day to share their knowledge and experience: award-winning author-illustrators Sarah Dyer, Zahra Marwan and Margaux Kent!

Fri, Nov 3rd from 1:00-2:30pm ET
Sat NOV 4th 11:00am-1:00pm ET
Sun, NOV 5th 11:30--1:30 pm EST
We'll leave half hour after workshops are officially done for questions and other conversation!

The Folk and Fairy Handbook: The Official 2023 Folktale Week Guide is Included and will be released OCT 16th!

Through stories we learn and relearn the world and ourselves. This magical time of year is the perfect time to hunker down and immerse yourself in age-old tales and consider how you might tell your own...This is a workshop for artists, illustrators and people who love stories and storytelling of all kinds, curious about the tales you long to retell and the ones waiting to emerge! Join me and a group of like-hearted folk and fairytale lovers from around the world to discover the world of visual storytelling through the lens of folk and fairy tales..

The setting will be intimate and our raw material are the 2023 word prompts of Folktale Week (of which I am a host and StoryCamp Disco a collaborator for my 5th year running). Folktale Week is the Instagram challenge which has become a portal for so many artists to find their artistic voice, both visual and written and go deeper into what the prompts are telling...

We'll spend a fun, witchy Fall weekend, Friday Nov 3-Sunday Nov5th, considering the history, terrain and bones of a story while we examine the structure and magic of folk and fairytales from around the world. We'll discuss ways in which famous stories have been told and retold, have amazing conversations and work through prompts, games and exercises for idea germinating and generating.

We'll work through one theme each day in order to complete your choice of: Telling your own story, adapting an old tale or marrying all of the above together

Friday NOV 3rd: The Poetry of Storytelling with Margaux Kent
Saturday NOV 4th: Translation: From the Written to the Visual/The Visual to the Written with Sarah Dyer
Sunday NOV 5th: Telling Old Tales and The Art of Revision with Zahra Marwan

We'll make time each day to get you thinking about your own powers of telling and/or retelling your favorite tales through words and pictures and how telling stories and adapting old tales can allow your voice to finally shine while working on your visual and written storytelling prowess!

You'll end the weekend on your way to Folktale Week and beyond: learning how to tell stories of your own and create powerful visual narratives filled with your very own personality and voice. This weekend will help you create an "opening" to your projects and find amazing ways of preparing visual work with knowledge and power. .

The best part is you'll have a head start on Folktale Week with an amazing group of artists to start your journey and a dedicated private SLACK group to share your work in progress and much more!

Who am I?
I'm a visual artist, illustrator, story-maker/writer who founded the Storycamp Disco Artist Workshops and Residencies in the summer of 2020. I come from a family of storytellers and artists and have a long history of listening to and creating stories of my own, through 15 years in design, art and the written and spoken word.

As a proud co-host of Folktale Week for the past few years, I'ver worked hard to create workbooks, nurture groups and artist communities and create talks and events with avid Folktale Week experts and followers, including the lovely Illustration Agent, Art Director and Artist Jehane Boden-Spiers. I've raised nearly $5000 with the sale of Folktale Week classes and workbooks, with the support of my Folktale Week co-hosts, for Project Night Night, providing goodnight bags of books, stuffed animals, toiletries etc for children living in shelters throughout the U.S.

I am fascinated by old tales which tell of cultures and histories and the innermost pulse of a culture. It is a way of diving deeper into the cultural, political, and environmental histories to name a few.

-Within 48 hours of registering you'll receive a welcome letter to help you get ready and...

-You'll receive The Folk and Fairy Handbook: The Official 2023 Folktale Week Guide included in your class fee, packed with inspiration on the topic AND a Folktale Weekend Residency handbook with all kinds of tips on getting ready.

-All workshops will be recorded.

-We'll have a private slack group which will open. OCT 30th for interacting with one another, to give and ask for feedback, your very own Folktale Week fairies--its always fun to use it, especially through Folktale Week!

-Message me to pay via Venmo as well. (preferable)

-Due to the digital nature of this course, refunds cannot be given. Thank you for your understanding.

Art shown here by Deborah Stein, Arthur Rackham, Maurice Sendak

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